Sunset Pastures Bentley Alberta Logo
Chickens at sunset pasture farms
chicks at sunset pasture farms
free range chickens

We believe that exceptional meat comes from properly raised animals in a healthy environment. We raise our broiler chickens in a closely monitored brooder for the first 28 days of their life and then move them to pasture until finished at 9 weeks old. While on pasture they are then rotated daily onto fresh grass for grazing and foraging to produce healthy birds. Once the birds reach 9 weeks they are then brought to Pigeon Lake Poultry Processing. We will then contact you personally to arrange pickup/delivery of your chickens.

Upon ordering chickens you will have the choice of Whole Bird or Pieced Bird in a Bag. 



Whole Bird: $5.87/lb

Bird in a Bag : $6.12/lb


       Please email [email protected] for further information on next batch of chickens butchering date and for any birds left over from previous batch

chicks at sunset pasture farms